Saturday, March 26, 2005

Art Watch: Tim Hawkinson

Whitney until May 29

For larger version of "Emotor":

Mirror is a self-portrait in which Hawkinson represented not how he imagined he looked, but exactly how his image appeared in a mirror. 'I produced my reflection in three dimensions by sculpting my self-image onto the surface of a mirror exactly as I saw it reflected,' writes Hawkinson. 'The result was a three-foot-tall 'gnome,' seemingly grotesque and distorted but, from my original perspective, quite accurate. I made four of the figures, cut them into small cubes, and spliced the cubes together to 'grow' the figure to life size. This accounts for its somewhat digitized appearance.'


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This guy is awesome. I wish we could go see the show before it comes down. I heard (from a reliable source) that it's great.

12:36 PM  

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