Friday, June 10, 2005

Book Club: Call for Submissions

Dearest, Dirtiest Trotskyites:

Please submit your 10-15 pages of assorted written material via mail or person to Comrade Chandler by Tuesday June 21st. No rules, no restrictions...the page limit is merely a suggestion. If you want to submit a handful of sexo-patriotic musings illegibly scribbled on recycled napkins, feel free. If you want to make everyone read 15+ tiny-fonted pages on the rule against perpetuities, that's OK, too. Mix and match: short stories, poems, novel chapters-forewards-epilogues-and-or-footnotes, newspaper clippings, philosophy, history, art (pictures are OK, too!) biographical vignettes, song lyrics, dialogue from a play...anything and everything goes.

Your father-in-arms,

p.s. If anyone else should be included in the book club, please forward this request.

p.p.s. Send me either 1) a photocopy of your submission, or 2) the book(s) containing your submissions with instructions re: which pages to include.

p.p.p.s. For reference, here is the original post on our beloved Dirty Trotsky: